UW-Madison understands the tremendously negative impact bias or hate incidents can have on individuals and communities. This report provides a summary of incidents reported through the bias reporting process from June 2018 through August 2018.
Previous semester logs are also available for review.
Number | Date of Report | Date of Incident | Location | Type | Targeted Identity | Request for Contact | Action Taken |
1 | 01/01/1970 | 10/06/2018 | Off Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, Gender | No | An anonymous report was submitted by a student about a threatening verbal assault with a person unknown to the reporter. Through separate contact, a support meeting was provided to the targeted individual. Report was forwarded to UWPD for review. Case closed. |
2 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Online | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | Yes | A student report hostile online communications with a community member. Acknowledged receipt of report. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Office of Compliance, and the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. A support meeting was conducted for the targeted individual. A meeting was also held with the alleged respondent. Case closed. |
2a | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Online, Physical Assault | Gender Identity/Expression, Sexuality | Yes | A community member reported hostile online communications with a student. Acknowledged receipt of report. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts for review. Case closed. |
3 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening) | Disability | Yes | A student reported an alleged verbal (non-threatening) microaggression from a faculty member which targeted another student's disability status. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the academic department in question. Acknowledged receipt of report. A support meeting was offered to the reporter. An additional meeting took place between faculty, support staff and advocates in order to ensure proper handling of student issues. Case closed. |
4 | 01/01/1970 | 11/06/2018 | On-Campus | Written (not vandalism), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | No | A staff member submitted a report criticizing the locations in the Memorial Unions which are named after KKK-affiliated alumni. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts at the Unions for review. Acknowledged receipt of report. Case closed. |
4a | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Public Space | Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Gender Identity/Expression, National Origin, Political Affiliation, Religion, Socioeconomic Status | No | An anonymous report was submitted criticizing the locations in the Memorial Unions which are named after KKK-affiliated alumni. Report was forward to appropriate contact in the Unions for review. Case closed. |
5 | 01/01/1970 | 09/07/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Political Affiliation | No | An anonymous report was submitted regarding multiple alleged verbal (non-threatening) microaggressions made by a faculty member. No action could be taken. Case closed. |
6 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Political Affiliation, Socioeconomic Status | No | A student submitted a report about verbal (non-threatening) microaggressions made by a professor targeting race/ethnicity, gender, political affilation, and socioeconomic status. Acknowledged receipt of report and offered a support meeting to the reporter. Case closed. |
7 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression | Race/Ethnicity | No | A student employee reported witnessing a microaggression between two students related to race/ethnicity. No identifying information was provided. Ackowledged reciept of report. Case closed. |
8 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (threatening) | Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status | No | A staff member submitted a report to document a verbal (threatening) microaggression from a faculty member towards a group of high school students. Acknowledged receipt of report. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in Division of Diversity, Equity, and Educational Achievement as well as the department in which the faculty was employed. Support meetings were offered to the reporter and the students negatively impacted. A meeting was held with the faculty to discuss the incident. Case closed. |
8a | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (threatening), Public Space | Age, Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status | No | A pre-college program participant reported a verbal (threatening) microaggression made by a faculty member. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement as well as the department in which the faculty was employed. Support meeting was offered. Case closed. |
8b | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (threatening) | Age, Race/Ethnicity | No | A pre-college program participant reported a verbal (threatening) microaggression made by a faculty member. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement as well as the department in which the faculty was employed. Support meeting was offered. Case closed. |
8c | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (threatening) | Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status | No | An anonymous reported was submitted about a verbal (threatening) microaggression made by a faculty member. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement as well as the department in which the faculty was employed. Support meeting was offered. Case closed. |
8d | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A pre-college program participant reported a verbal (threatening) microaggression made by a faculty member. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement as well as the department in which the faculty was employed. Support meeting was offered. Case closed. |
8e | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (threatening), Public Space | Age, Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A pre-college program participant reported a verbal (threatening) microaggression made by a faculty member. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement as well as the department in which the faculty was employed. Support meeting was offered. Case closed. |
8f | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (threatening), Public Space | Age, Race/Ethnicity | No | A pre-college program participant reported a verbal (threatening) microaggression made by a faculty member. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Educational Achievement as well as the department in which the faculty was employed. Support meeting was offered. Case closed. |
9 | 01/01/1970 | 01/06/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Verbal (threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, Religion | No | A student submitted a report about both verbal threatening and non-threatening microaggressions made by students targeting race/ethnicity and religion. Acknowledged receipt of report. Support meeting was offered to the reporter. Case closed. |
10 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Online | Gender. Sexual Orientation | Yes | A community member submitted a report about multiple online microaggressions by a student which targeted gender and sexual orientation. Acknowledged receipt of report. Case closed. |
11 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening) | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | No | A staff member submitted a report as a witness to an incident between two patrons of the Union in which an individual made an insensitive verbal comment to another patron targeting race/ethnicity and national origin. Acknowledged receipt of report. Support meeting was provided to the targeted individual. Case closed. |
11a | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening) | Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Gender Identity/Expression, Sexual Orientation | No | A community member submitted a report about a negative interaction with a patron of the Union. Acknowledged receipt of report. Support meeting was provided to the targeted individual. Case closed. |
12 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression | Gender | Yes | A student employee reported a staff member's microaggressive comment which targeted gender. Ackowledged reciept of report. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in Human Resources. Support meeting offered to the reporter. Case closed. |
13 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/2018 | On-Campus | Unknown | Sexual Orientation | No | A staff member reported a student employee's complaint and allegation of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Acknowledged receipt of report. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in Housing and Dining Services as well as Human Resources. Case closed. |
14 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Written (not vandalism) | Gender | Yes | A student reported an incident of alleged discrimination by a professor. Acknowledged receipt of report. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in the Office of the Provost as well as Human Resources. Case pending. |
15 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus; Residence Hall | Public Space | Gender, Gender Identity/Expression, Sexual Orientation | No | A student employee reported multiple LGBTQIA mentorship posters being taken down in a residence hall. Acknowledged receipt of report. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in Housing. A support meeting was provided to the impacted parties. Case closed. |