Absences from Class

How to manage situations where a student misses class, including guidance on making up exams.

A decision on how to manage the absence from class is about whether an accommodation should be made. Accommodations will fall into two categories: required and non-required.

Required and non-required accommodations

The UW-Madison policy on class attendance (University Policy II-108) leaves the final decision to the instructor for non-required accommodations for students who miss scheduled class activities.

If a student misses classes due to illness, injury, family emergency, or some other reason, it is the responsibility of the student to notify their instructors of this absence as soon as possible. In such circumstances where a student is unable to communicate on their own behalf, staff in the Office of Student Assistance and Support are available to assist with facilitating faculty notification.

Notifying the instructor

If a student misses classes due to illness, injury, family emergency, or some other reason, it is the responsibility of the student to notify their instructors of this absence as soon as possible.

In such circumstances where a student is unable to communicate on their own behalf, staff in the Office of Student Assistance and Support are available to assist with facilitating faculty notification.

If you are concerned about a student

If a student is struggling to communicate their circumstances for absences, is non-responsive, or has shared information that causes concern for their success and well-being, please consider filing a Student of Concern Report.

Student of Concern

When you are concerned about a student's well-being or know a student who may need additional support.

Refer a Student of Concern

Missing student

A student who suddenly stops attending classes, activities, misses an exam, or stops responding to communications.

Report A Missing Student

Policies and Additional Exam Information

Students are welcome to discuss their situations with the Dean of Students Office drop-in staff. Be sure to familiarize yourself with mid-term and final exam policies and information about final exam locations.

Mid-term Evening Exam Policy

In the event that an exam conflicts with a scheduled evening course, please refer to the Evening Midterm Exam Policy provided by the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty:

Evening Midterm Exam Policy

Fall and Spring Term Final Exam Policy

Fall and Spring Term Final Exam Policy

Final Exam Times and Locations

Summer session final exams

Summer mid-session exams are typically held during the scheduled class period. Final exams are held at the last class meeting unless otherwise announced by the instructor.

Final exams on the web

Fall and Spring locations for final exams given in General Assignment Classrooms will be available in Student Center and Faculty Center four weeks before the start of final exams. If your course is not listed, contact the instructor or department giving the exam to determine the location.