Report Sexual Misconduct

How to report sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating or domestic violence and stalking at UW–Madison. Reports made to this form are routed to the Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Response Program, which is the primary reporting and support resource for individuals at UW-Madison who experience incidents of sexual misconduct

Report an incident

Our promise to support you

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is committed to providing an environment that is free of sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and dating and domestic violence in any form. We are dedicated to creating a safe and secure campus that allows students, faculty, staff and third parties the right to learn, work and live. These standards apply to all regardless of sex, gender or sexual orientation.

Examples of sexual misconduct

Sexual misconduct is a type of violence that uses power, control, and/or intimidation to harm another. It may include:

  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual harrassment
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Dating or domestic violence
  • Stalking

Definitions and signs of abuse

Who can make a report?

Reports may be made by:

  • The individual who has experienced sexual violence
  • Anyone who receives a report from an individual who has experienced an incident of sexual violence
  • Anyone who witnesses or otherwise has information that sexual violence may have occurred

Ways to report

Students who experience, witness, or receive a first-hand report of sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and dating and domestic violence are strongly encouraged to contact the Sexual Misconduct Resource and Response Program or the Office of Student Assistance and Support. Students are also encouraged to contact law enforcement in the jurisdiction in which the incident took place to file a report.

If you choose to speak with someone about the incident, there are two types of resources available: confidential and non-confidential.

  • Confidential resources are not required to report the incident to the police.
  • Non-confidential resources will create reports that become public record and report incidents to the UW–Madison Title IX Coordinator.

Neither type of resource is necessarily better than the other – you should choose whichever option you feel most comfortable with.

Confidential and non-confidential resources

Support someone impacted by sexual misconduct

If you’re a family member, friend, or supporter of a student impacted by sexual violence, there are resources to help.

Support someone

I need help deciding what to do

If you have experienced sexual violence on campus or think you may have experienced it, help is available. It is not your fault, and there are resources to provide support and help you heal. You also have several options to report the incident if you choose.

Get support

How reports are handled

All reports made will be taken seriously and information will be provided to the proper office for investigation. Concerns that are raised to the university may be handled in a variety of ways, including formal investigations and alternative response options.  Regardless of how you choose to proceed, we promise to support all survivors of sexual misconduct during this difficult process.

Reporting process

Get assistance

Wearing N95 medical masks, two UW Police Department officers respond to an incident on campus

Immediate emergency assistance

If you need immediate emergency assistance or to report a crime, call 911. To reach the University of Wisconsin Police, call (608) 264-2677.

Pedestrians walk past the University Square complex and Student Services Tower at 333 East Campus Mall on a sunny day.

University Health Services (UHS)

For a 24/7 confidential consultation with a health care provider or counselor, students may call University Health Services at 608 265-5600 (option 9).

A counseling session

Advisors & Title IX Coordinators

To contact UW-Madison’s reporting and complaint advisors or a Title IX coordinator, email Lauren Hasselbacher for a response during business hours.

Employee responsibilities

All employees at UW-Madison are required by law to report first-hand knowledge or disclosures of sexual assault. When a victim of sexual assault discloses their experience to you, please complete the reporting form.

Additionally, those employees identified as “Title IX Responsible Employees” are required by campus policy to report any allegation of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking and related retaliation. The reporting form should be used to meet this reporting requirement as well.