UW-Madison understands the tremendously negative impact bias or hate incidents can have on individuals and communities. This report provides a summary of incidents reported through the bias reporting process from September 2018 through December 2018.
Previous semester logs are also available for review.
Number | Date of Report | Date of Incident | Location | Type | Targeted Identity | Request for Contact | Action Taken |
1 | 04/18/2009 | 04/18/2009 | Online | Online | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A staff member at Memorial Union reported an email their office received from an unknown respondent, which expressed racial microaggressions. The email was sent by a person not affiliated with UW-Madison. The report was forwarded to UWPD for review. Case closed. |
2 | 04/18/2009 | 04/18/2009 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Gender Identity/Expression | No | A staff member reported a verbal microaggression that they experienced from an employee at a dining facility. The microaggression targeted gender identity/expression and the respondent was unknown to the reporter. Report was forwarded to appropriate contacts in Human Resources for review. Support meeting was offered to the reporter. Case closed. |
3 | 04/18/2009 | 04/18/2009 | Online | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Disability | No | A student reported an offensive video that was posted online by the course professor which targeted ability status. A support meeting was offered to the reporter and the video was forwarded to appropriate contacts within the Department as well as Human Resources. Representatives in the Department addressed the professor about the incident and asked that the video be removed. Case closed. |
4 | 12/18/2009 | 12/18/2009 | Online | Microaggression, Written (not vandalism) | Gender, Gender Identity/Expression | Yes | A student reported various microaggressions they received in a series of emails from their professor. The microaggressions targeted gender and gender identity/expression. Multiple support meetings were held with the reporter, in conjunction with the Office of the Provost, to discuss next steps and possible outcomes. The reporter decided not to confront the professor about the issue. Representatives from Dean of Students Office and Office of the Provost met with the Department Chair to discuss the overall climate of the Department. Case Closed. |
5 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Online | Race/Ethnicity | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document a racial microaggresion committed by a peer. It is uknown whether the reporter and the respondent know one another. An educational conversation was held with the respondent to discuss intention versus impact and allowed the respondent to reflect on their choice of words. Case closed. |
6 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Disability | Yes | A student reported a verbal microaggression by their professor which targeted ability status. A support meeting was held with the reporter and information was forwarded to a colleague in the Office of the Provost. The professor was confronted about the incident and informed about the negative impact their words had on the students. The professor acknowledged impact and offered an apology in class. Case closed. |
7 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Written (not vandalism), Public Space, Online | Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Gender Identity/Expression, National Origin, Political Affiliation, Sexual Orientation | Yes | A report was submitted regarding a University-sponsored promotional flyer that contained an image which was deemed offensive by the student reporter. A support meeting was offered to the reporter and the report was forwarded to University Communications and other campus partners to discuss next steps. After communication amongst University staff, the poster was taken down and the image was replaced. University staff acknowledged the harm caused by the image and apologized to the reporter. Case closed. |
8 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism) | Race/Ethnicity, Religion | No | A student submitted a report to document anti-Semitic vandalism on a desk in a classroom. A support meeting was offered. The report was forwarded to colleagues in Facilities, Planning & Management and the images were immediately removed from the desk. Case closed. |
9 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Written (not vandalism), Online | Race/Ethnicity, Gender | No | A student reported a faculty member, who sent inappropriate and targeted messages to multiple students through a social media platform. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual and the report was forwarded to the Office of Compliance, Office of the Provost and Human Resources. A meeting was held with University staff to discuss responses to the incident which led to a subsequent meeting with the faculty member. Resources and support were provided to the reporter. Case closed. |
10 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Written (vandalism), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A student reported multiple alleged racial microaggressions and negative campus climate concerns impacting students in a residence hall. The report was forwarded to colleagues in Housing. A support meeting was held with the reporter and a larger support meeting was offered to impacted parties in the residence hall. Individual support meetings were provided by Housing staff. Case closed. |
11 | 08/18/2010 | 08/18/2010 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A student submitted a report to document multiple alleged racial microaggressions committed by their faculty member and classroom peers. A support meeting was held with the targeted individual. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost and the Department chair. A restorative conversation was held with campus partners and the targeted individual to discuss ways to improve the overall climate within the Department. Case closed. |
12 | 09/18/2010 | 08/18/2010 | Online | Microaggression, Written (not vandalism), Online | Socioeconomic Status | Yes | A student submitted a report regarding an online interaction with a peer in which the student felt targeted by microaggressions based on socioeconomic status. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual and a witness. An educational conversation with the respondent was requested but did not take place. Case closed. |
13 | 10/18/2010 | 10/18/2010 | On-Campus | Written (not vandalism), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin, Political Affiliation, Religion, Sexual Orientation | No | A student submitted a report regarding another student who was wearing what appeared to be an offensive symbol on a t-shirt. A support meeting was offered to the reporter and the report was forwarded to Recreational Sports, Office of Conduct and Community Standards and the Office of Compliance for review. Multiple meetings were held with the respondent and Rec Sports staff, to investigate the concern and discuss the negative impact the alleged symbol could have on the student comunity. Case closed. |
14 | 12/18/2010 | 12/18/2010 | On-Campus | Written (not vandalism) | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | No | A staff member submitted a report to document an offensive statement targeting race/ethnicity which was written on a whiteboard in a residence hall lounge. The staff erased the statement immediately and reported the incident to Housing and Dean of Students Office. Case closed. |
15 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Microaggression, Online | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A student submitted a report alleging racial bias by a professor. The report was forwarded to the Office of Compliance, the Office of Conduct and Community Standards and the Office of the Provost for review. Multiple support meetings were held with the targeted individual to determine next steps. Due to the involvment of the Office of Conduct and Community Standards, there were limitations in addressing the alleged racial bias by the professor. Dean of Students Office staff provided support for the student throughout the semester as they navigated this situation. Case closed. |
16 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | No | A supervisor submitted a report to document an incident that happened with two of their student employees and an unknown respondent. The students were targeted with a racial microaggression. The supervisor provided support to the targeted individuals and submitted the bias report for documentation. Case closed. |
17 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, Religion | No | A student submitted a report about a peer who allegedly made an anti-Semitic statement and gesture in class. The incident was also reported to the professor who had a conversation with the respondent. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual. Dean of Students Office Staff met with the professor to discuss next steps. An educational conversation was held with the respondent to discuss the negative impact their actions had on other students in the class. Case closed. |
18 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Online | Written (not vandalism), Online | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | Yes | A student submitted a report to document an alleged racial microaggression that occurred on a social media platform. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual. Case closed. |
19 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (threatening) | Race/Ethnicity | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document a negative campus climate within a specific academic Department and multiple alleged racial microaggressions committed by a professor.The report was forwarded to Office of the Provost for review. A meeting was held with the Department chair to discuss the concerns brought forth in the report. Case closed. |
20 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | Off Campus | Online | Religion | No | An unenrolled student submitted a report regarding an online message they received from an unknown person in which they felt targeted on the basis of religion. In spite of the limitations of offering services to non-UW community members, a support meeting was offered but never took place. Case closed. |
21 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Verbal (threatening), written (not vandalism), Public Space, Online | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A report was submitted on behalf of a student who met with a Dean of Students Office staff member to discuss a racial bias incident involving staff members at Recreational Sports. The report was forwarded to the Office of Human Resources and International Student Services for review. Multiple support meetings were held with the targeted individuals in addition to multiple meetings with campus partners to coordinate a mediated conversation between involved parties. Case closed. |
22 | 01/11/2018 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening) | Age, Disability | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document alleged bias behavior towards a prior UW-Madison student employee on the basis of age and ability status. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual. The report was forwarded to the human resources department within the named unit on-campus for review. It was found that the employee no longer worked on-campus. Case closed. |
23 | 06/11/2018 | 04/11/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | No | A student submitted a report to document an alleged racial bias incident that occurred in a gym class between the instructor and the reporter. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual. The report was forwarded to appropriate campus colleagues for review. Case closed. |
24 | 07/11/2018 | 03/11/2018 | Off Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Gender | No | A student employee submitted a report to document multiple alleged microaggressions targeting gender by a staff member who was also an instructor for a program that the reporter was participating in. A support meeting was held with the targeted individual to discuss next steps. The report was forwarded to the Office of Human Resources and the Office of Compliance. Resources and support were provided to the targeted individual. Human Resouces representatives addressed the incident with the staff member. Case closed. |
25 | 09/11/2018 | 06/11/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A student submitted a report on behalf of their classmates to document an alleged racial microaggression committed by a fellow classmate. A support meeting was held with the reporter in addition to separate meeting with the professor. Additionally, an educational conversation was held with the respondent. The report was shared with the Department chair, the Office of the Provost and the Office of Conduct and Community Standards. The professor for the course consulted with Dean of Students Office staff on how to address the incident with the class. The Department facilitated these conversations. A meeting was held between representatives of the Office of the Provost, Dean of Students Office and the Department chair to discuss overall departmental climate concerns pertaining to race/ethnicity. Case closed. |
26 | 11/11/2018 | 11/11/2018 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation | No | A student employee submitted a report to document a bias incident that occurred involving another staff member and a non-UW affiliated community member. The incident was also reported to UWPD who were involved at the scene of the incident. A support meeting was offered with the targeted individuals. Case closed. |
27 | 12/11/2018 | 12/11/2018 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, Religion | No | A student employee submitted a report to document Anti-Semitic vandalism in a residence hall. The statement was documented and removed immediately. The student staff checked-in with residents and reported the incident to their supervisors in Housing. A support meeting was offered to the impacted parties but did not take place. Case closed. |
28 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression | Race/Ethnicity | No | A supervisor submitted a report to document an alleged incident of racial microaggressions that occurred between two of their student employees. The supervisor provided support to the targeted individual and contacted the Dean of Students Office to consult on how to address the respondent. A support meeting was offered for the targeted individual as well as an educational conversation with the respondent but neither took place. Case closed. |
29 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism), Public Space | Gender, Gender Identity/Expression | Yes | A student employee submitted a report to document an incident of vandalism targeting a specific resident on the basis of gender and gender identity/expression. The report was also submitted to their supervisor in Housing. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual in addition to an educational conversation with the respondent but neither took place. Case closed. |
30 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism) | Race/Ethnicity, Religion | No | A student submitted a report to document Anti-Semitic vandalism on multiple desks in a classroom. A support meeting was offered. The report was forwarded to Facilities, Planning & Management and the vandalism was immediately removed from the desks. Case closed. |
31 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | No | An anonymous report was submitted by a student alleging racial bias by their instructor. The report identified the instructor. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost for review. An educational conversation took place between the instructor, Dean of Students Office and the Office of the Provost. Case closed. |
31 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A report was submitted by a student alleging racial bias by their instructor. The report identified the instructor as the same person from the report prior to this one. A support meeting was held with the student reporter. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost for review. An educational conversation took place between the instructor, Dean of Students Office and the Office of the Provost. Case closed. |
32 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism) | Race/Ethnicity | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document Anti-Semitic vandalism in a bathroom stall on-campus. The report was forwarded to Facilities, Planning and Management and the image was immediately removed. Case closed. |
33 | 01/12/2018 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Online | Sexual Orientation | Yes | A report was submitted by a student alleging multiple microaggressions targeting sexual orientation, which were committed by another student in their residence hall. The report was forwarded to Housing and multiple staff members checked in with the targeted individual. An additional support meeting was offered to the reporter but never took place. Case closed. |
34 | 03/12/2018 | 03/12/2018 | On-Campus | Written (not vandalism), Public Space, Online | Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document the content of a University-affiliated webpage which the reporter found to target race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost and to the staff of the department which hosted the webpage. The complaint was also reported directly to the department. The content was subsequently removed from the webpage. Case closed. |
35 | 05/12/2018 | 06/11/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Gender Identity/Expression, National Origin, Political Affiliation | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document multiple alleged microaggressions by a faculty member. The report also listed two other faculty as winesses. The report was forwarded to the administration in named Department, in addition to the Office of the Provost and University Communications. Human Resources representatives in the Department were also made aware of the incident. Case closed. |
36 | 05/12/2018 | 05/12/2018 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism), Public Space | Religion | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document vandalism to a fyer in a residence hall. The report was forwarded to Housing for review. Case closed. |
36 | 05/12/2018 | 05/12/2018 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism) | National Origin, Religion | No | A student employee submitted a report to document additional vandalism to a flyer in a residence hall. This incident is connected to the prior incident and involves the same flyer. The report was forwarded to Housing for review. A support meeting was offered to impacted residents but never took place. Case closed. |
36 | 05/12/2018 | 05/12/2018 | On-Campus | Written (vandalism) | National Origin, Political Affiliation, Religion | No | A student employee submitted a second report to document additional vandalism to a flyer in a residence hall. This incident is connected to the prior two incidents and involves the same flyer. The report was forwarded to Housing for review. A support meeting was offered to impacted residents but never took place. Case closed. |
37 | 06/12/2018 | 05/12/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Written (not vandalism), Public Space | Age, Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status | Yes | A student submitted a report in regards to multiple alleged bias incidents in a classroom setting committed by the course lecturer. Multiple support meetings were offered to the targeted individual but never occurred. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost for review. Case closed. |
38 | 06/12/2018 | 06/12/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Religion | No | A student submitted a report to document multiple alleged microaggressions targeting relition committed by performers during a comedy show on-campus. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individual. The report was forwarded to staff at the Memorial Union. Case closed. |
38 | 06/12/2018 | 06/12/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Religion | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document multiple alleged microaggressions targeting relition committed by performers during a comedy show on-campus. This is the second report submitted about this incident. The report was forwarded to staff at the Memorial Union. Case closed. |
39 | 07/12/2018 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | Yes | A report was submitted by a student to document an alleged racial microaggression by a peer, that resulted in the targeted individual being charged with a student code of conduct violation. The report was forwarded to the Office of Conduct and Community Standards. Despite limitations to question or override any findings by the Conduct Office, a support meeting was held with the student reporter. Case closed. |
40 | 09/12/2018 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression | Race/Ethnicity | Yes | A student employee submitted a report to document the multiple alleged racial microaggressions committed by their supervisors and co-workers. A support meeting was held with the targeted individual. The report was forwarded to the Office of Human Resources for review. Suport meeting held. Case closed. |
41 | 10/12/2018 | 10/12/2018 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Public Space | Gender, Gender Identity/Expression, Sexual Orientation | No | A student submitted a report on behalf of their classmates to document multiple alleged microaggressions committed by a professor. A support meeting was offered to the targeted individuals and will take place in the New Year. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost for review. Case pending. |
42 | 12/12/2018 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening), Written (not vandalism), Public Space | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | Yes | A student submitted a report to document an alleged racial bias incident committed by their instructor. A support meeting was held with the targeted individual. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost and the Office of Human Resources for review. Follow up conversation wtih department. Case closed. |
43 | 01/01/1970 | 08/09/2018 | Off Campus | Verbal (non-threatening), Written (not vandalism) | Race/Ethnicity, National Origin | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document an alleged racial microaggression committed by a professor. The professor was identified in the report. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost for review. A meeting is scheduled to take place in the New Year between the Office of the Provost, Dean of Students Office and the faculty member. Incidents discussed. Case Closed. |
44 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Microaggression, Verbal (non-threatening), Written (not vandalism) | Gender, Gender Identity/Expression | No | An anonymous report was submitted to document a second alleged microaggression, targeting gender and gender identity/expression, committed by a professor. The professor was identified in the report as the same professor from the prior bias report. The report was forwarded to the Office of the Provost for review. Meeting was held. Incident discussed. Case Closed. |
45 | 01/01/1970 | 01/01/1970 | On-Campus | Verbal (non-threatening) | Race/Ethnicity | No | A staff member submitted a report to document overhearing an offensive statement, targeting race/ethnicity, made by a known student of theirs towards a passerby. The staff member addressed the statement with the respondent and then filed a bias report. Educational conversation with the respondent. Case closed. |