Report a General Complaint/Concern

How to report a general complaint or concern impacting your success as a student at UW-Madison.

This form is a place for students to share a complaint or concern directly connected to an experience at UW-Madison. It serves to notify a university official about a student experience. Generally, UW-Madison defines such complaints as concerns that are of a substantive nature that may interfere with one or more students’ ability to substantially participate in or benefit from the programs, services, or activities of the university.

The primary goal is to provide support to the individual impacted. However, reports will be evaluated to determine if further investigation is required for potential violations of University policy and/or criminal law. Although the Office of Student Assistance and Support is not an investigatory office, we will work directly with you to determine best next steps.

Information obtained through these reports will assist UW-Madison in responding to and tracking complaints. Once submitted, the report goes directly to the Office of Student Assistance and Support staff. We understand reporting potential violations, concerns, or complaints can be difficult and we provide options to support reporting parties. An Office of Student Assistance and Support staff member will contact you to discuss resources based on your report. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the staff may forward this report to the appropriate office to ensure your concerns are being addressed.

If you have other concerns related to a bias/hate incident, a potential student conduct violation, or other concerns, please review other reporting options here: Refer a Student of Concern.

Report a general complaint/concern

How the reporting process works

How the reporting process works

  1. A report is submitted via the reporting form
  2. After the report is submitted, a staff member in the Office of Student Assistance and Support will respond to you directly to confirm receipt of the report.
  3. The Office of Student Assistance and Support will work with you to determine best next steps for your complaints/concerns or will forward your report to the appropriate office to ensure you concerns are being address. As a reminder, the Office of Student Assistance and Support is not an investigatory office.


Office of Student Assistance and Support

How can we help?

Call us at:

Email us at:

Line art image of Bascom Hall at the University of Wisconsin–Madison

Office of Student Assistance and Support
70 Bascom Hall
500 Lincoln Drive Madison, WI 53706-1380

Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 4pm

After Hours Contacts

Crisis response:
Call Mental Health Services
608-265-5600 (option 9)
Dial 911 for immediate help from the
UW Police Department
UWPD Non-emergency line: 608-264-2677